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2020-2021 - term focuses
Welcome to Dosbarth Ddraig!
What have we been up to?
What we have been up to...
At the start of the year the children of Dosbarth Ddraig thoroughly enjoyed dressing up as kings and queens for the day as part of their topic 'Powis Castle'! They learnt lots of interesting facts too!
They are currently working hard on their new topic 'Food and Farming' and are really enjoying having lots of real life hands on experiences by visiting a local farm, having some fury friends in to visit and learning where our
food comes from.
We are continuing to work hard in Phonics, completing lots of Maths work linked to multiplication, division and money too! We have lots of fun in Class Dragon! Keep posted to see what we have coming up!

2024- 2025 Topics

Powis Castle
Food and Farming
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