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Curriculum for Wales

The world is changing at a rapid pace. By September 2022, Wales will see a new Curriculum!
The new curriculum will have more emphasis on preparing on equipping young people for life. This will mean that teachers will have more freedom to teach in ways they feel will have the best outcomes for their learners.  They will also get a deep understanding of how to thrive in an increasingly digital world, preparing them for opportunities and risks that an online world presents.

Assessment will be built into the curriculum and will be part of everyday learning experiences.  The main focus of assessment will be to ensure that learners understand where they are in their learning and what steps to take to move forward.

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4 purposes- The heart of the New Curriculum

These will be the starting point for all decisions on the content and experiences developed as part of the curriculum to support our children and young people to be:





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Areas of Learning Experiences (AoLEs)

The new curriculum is about connecting learning and ensuring that learning focuses on what matters for learners now and in the future.  As well as learning the three cross curricular responsibilities: literacy, numeracy and digital skills, there will be six areas of learning and experience.  


Everything children learn will connect to these areas:


  • Health and Wellbeing

  • Language, Literacy and Communication

  • Mathematics and Numeracy

  • Expressive Arts

  • Humanities

  • Science and Technology

The curriculum will also cover:

  • Human rights and the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child

  • Diversity and respecting differences

  • Experiences and skills for careers and the workplace

  • Local, national and international aspects of all learning

  • Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

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